Los 2382
Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Silvered bronze, 20 mm, 2.67 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 328. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine I to right. Rev. CONSTANTINI-ANA DAFNE / CONS Victory seated left on decorated cippus, head turned right, holding laurel branch in her right hand and palm frond in her left; at her feet, shield; to left, trophy; before, captive kneeling left, head turned right; in field to left, Z. RIC 35. Struck from somewhat worn dies, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, Leu Web Auction 26, 8-13 July 2023, 5439.

This is the first emission where Constantine introduced his new rosette diadem. It is characterized by having a large frontal medallion, which is clearly differentiated from the rest of the diadem. Constantine also introduced his new pose, called the majestic pose by Ramskold (in Constantine's SPES PVBLIC coins [2020a]). Both the diadem and the pose would be Constantine's signa for the rest of his reign, and the rosette diadem remained in use by many subsequent emperors.
25 CHF
25 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 25-Feb-24, 20:18:00 CET
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